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To Have or to Be….

January 31, 2014


That is the question.


Strolling down the main street of Gokulam today, my mind went for a walk. I was admiring all the beautiful houses and thinking about my knew friend who wanted to “get rid of some money” by buying a house somewhere in Asia.


I never have possessed a flat or a house, though I have lived in many. Do not have a car, not to say I can’t drive, I usually cycle around town like a lunatic and believe me, it is much more efficient than having a motorised vehicle though a little more wet at times.

That said, I do rent a flat, which a sublet every time I leave, pretty often that is. It’s a charming old place filled with books, records and yes, clothes. To say, nothing substantial.  However, this year, I expressed the urge of getting rid of the excess of material I had accumulated. The sense of freedom it generated was greater than I could have hoped for.


Usually I save all my pennies to have a long winter break and study further more yoga, a shorter one in the summer because I enjoy a couple of weeks off from teaching and visit friends. My first big leap was taken at the age of 17, the destination was India.….that was 17 years ago!  Plastic hadn’t yet damaged the scenery, and nope, no emails or cellphones were available. Do you remember telegrams? Recalling the fuss of trying to get hold of a friend traveling in the same country to meet up, makes me smile.


The wind has blown me to several countries in Africa, more then a couple in Asia, the Caribbean, Northern America, Central America, not South yet, Polynesia, throughout most countries in Europe and to many other places I forgot.


I believe I have spent more on travelling than people have on a house.


The planet is my home, as it is to all of us in different ways. But having been for extensive times on my own on the road, I get the feeling I could go to the moon and be comfortable there too.

If ever you consider leaving it all behind… never forget:

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Hit the road jack!



From → Musings, Travels

  1. Reblogged this on And Now … YOGA and commented:
    To have or to be…
    the poetry and wisdom of my Lady Jo in India (Winter 2013- Spring 2014)

  2. isabel permalink

    Joanna, how are you!!
    it seems like forever that you have gone 😦 i could please need your advice regarding a spontaneous trip to india. i knew you are currently there, but then thought to myself ‘she will be practicing and traveling and surely not go online… and would i want to bother her with questions…’ so imagine my excitement seeing all the pics and stories from indianon the blog and i will need to make time tmrw to read in more detail!
    now long story short: i am moving to basel at the end of feb (news!) and will probably have 2 weeks before starting my new job and wanted to take this time to visit a dear friend of mine in kochi and would love to have a mini yoga retreat, or just even take some classes during 1 week. i know this is little time, but i am just in for the experience and wish to learn and practice and meet yogis. mysore is fairly close to kochi, but then i heard very mixed feedback. the google search was a bit overwhelming with options i found hard to evaluate and unfortunately the minimum stay is often 4 weeks (which i simply don’t have). would you by any chance have a recommendation where i could go, or if i maybe just need to let go of this idea given the short notice?
    keep enjoying your stay and i hope to hear from you soon 😀

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